
  • Students will be able to identify which cultures have use fibers as a form of communication such as Hmong and Chilean (Bloom’s- Remembering/Standard- Transfer/GLE- The work of art scholars impacts how art is viewed today)
  • Students will be able to describe the process and create a sample of screen printing and dying (Bloom’s- Analyzing/Standard- Reflect/GLE- A personal philosophy of art is accomplished through use of sophisticated language and studio art processes)
  • Students will be able to create an expressive textile using techniques such as dying, screen printing, weaving, and stitching (Bloom’s- Create/Standard- Create/GLE- Make judgments from visual messages)
  • Students will be able to develop a design that reflects an aspect of their art education experience (Bloom’s- Create/Standard- Transfer/GLE- Art is a lifelong endeavor)

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